Initially this post, in my head, was going to be about some of the best fonts I've used and why they're frequently the ones I turn to while doing a project. But that's changed because I think I need to bring up the sad fact that not all fonts were created equally and with beauty in the eye of the ...well.."creator".
Thanks to Michael Berryman for the inspiration to make this post.
I could've easily found more than just 10 fonts that truly suck, for many various reasons, but I had to give myself some limitations or it would take me the better part of a week listing them all and explaining. So here it goes...
The Top 10* Worst Fonts Ever**!!
(*These fonts being default to Microsoft/Adobe)
(**In my humble opinion of course)
Starting at the bottom and working my way up- whoever thought "Juice" would be a good idea in the first place, needed help. Oh thank you Mr. David Sagorski for your most brilliant idea of a font. While it's supposed to "represent the creative ability and humor of this inventive designer", I find it to be stuck in the tumultuous limbo between display font and body copy text for all eternity. I have no idea what the use behind Mr. Sagorski's design was, but "funky" or "space-economical" are not words that come to mind when searching for a useful font.
Next up, we all know not to "mess with Texas" so can we please not mess with the tacky cowboy stereotype either? If I EVER make a flyer/poster/mailer for a hoedown or country bar (doubtful, but I won't say "never"), this will not be the font I turn to. In fact, I have no idea what project I would ever work on that would include this font. I haven't seen it used, and if it was I doubt it'd be used correctly anyways.
Oh yes! This font is PERFECT! ...if you're looking to create a blazing hot pink clothing line for 8-year-old girls. This is not your classic French script, and not exactly what I would describe as "chic" and "charming" but to each her own I guess, right?
Oh Curlz, I can't blame you on one actually was the mistake of TWO people working together to create this Frankenstein. They wished for a font to be used "For a unique, festive touch posters, flyers, invitations, menus and tee shirts." If only it could be used at all without looking like you're trying too hard...
Number six brings us to the groovy and psychedelic font "Ravie". How can you compete with a font that took an entire year to design, let alone requires the definition of a "rave" within its description?

Halfway there! This font could've been drawn by a 3rd grader or an adult who seriously thinks that it's a good idea to use this font on their next company letterhead. I hope its the former. Nonetheless this font is not useful, even in informational pamphlets about the education system, unless you want to come across as an idiot.
Oh yes! My novel-length science fiction paper wouldn't be complete without using this font -not only for the title- but throughout as well! This truly is a font on the "cutting edge of modern typographic style". Who thought this should be a standard font that came with your computer? Honestly...
Courier New is a blessing in disguise if you just can't get this newfangled technology down. Need to feel like you're still in the comfort zone of your typewriter? Courier New can help! Don't just type your boring reports- but make everyone else bored to look at them too!
Oh Papryus, what can I say about you? You are everywhere we turn: on coffeehouses, religious materials, everything that exudes "antique and calm". Even your creator agreed that you were being often over- and mis-used. We adored you but now you just need to go hibernate until you're needed again in another millennium.
If this surprised you, I pity you. No this is not a "groovy" font. Nor it is useful for many different mediums. Just let it go Comic Sans. We don't appreciate your almost playful nature when trying to hang on to the body copy text font and attempting to dabble in display font. There is so much to bash on it for, but I will relent in saying Microsoft please stop shoving this down our throats. And comic designers- no. Just no.
Honorable Mentions
(Just because I had to narrow it down to my 10 most hated, doesn't mean I could leave out a couple of oddball honorable mentions.)
Mr. Hank Gillette please come on down! You're the next contestant on "Fix Your Tracking"! Seriously though- horizontals bigger than verticals?
Webdings/Wingdings. Dings of all kinds. Where are these actually used? Because I haven't seen them unless it was a 10-year-old kid on the computer thinking they created some kind of uncrackable code.
Oh and why wasn't Times New Roman a part of this list? Cause its actually well designed- boring as hell to me- but not a terrible font. Labels: fonts, list, top 10